Tuesday, May 26, 2009

Who is Julie Henderson

Julie Henderson is the latest in a long line of models to hook up with hip-hop mogul Russell Simmons, but the Sports Illustrated swimsuit model decided to set herself apart from the pack by addressing their relationship in an ill-advised letter published on his GlobalGrind blog:
I have been spending "special time" with Russell for about 4 months and in that time I have learned some subtle things about some in the black community that have surprised me. I must say that while it has been a bit of a challenge for me, it has also been a wonderful learning experience. I realize that in this day of Obama and change that there is still a tremendous amount of poverty, suffering and pain in the black community, and for that I am deeply sorry. But, I have to say the angry responses to those realities are sometimes misdirected. Just for the record, I am nobody's white b*tch, gold digger or fame chaser. Nor am I any of the other mean things I have been called lately. I don't need anything from anybody, I come from a good family and I'm a young independent "successful' model making my way in NYC. (If you don?t believe me google me or go to juliehenderson.net).
Finally, I just wanna say that Russell has been a great "special" friend and I'm sure as sh*t not giving him up cause some in America object to our friendship. I wanna close by saying, what Russell always says, Namaste. (That means the goddess in me recognizes the goddess in you)?.Or, b*tch get your own man. Love, Julie

Rebel Talking ? Oh no she didn't! This chick has clearly been driven delusional by "the fever"! GOOGLE me this -- how many models, black, white or other do you think Russell knocked down on his way to you?

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