Saturday, May 2, 2009

Recognizable Everywhere You Go, Even the Bathroom

SmartFaucet from iHouse is bringing facial-recognition technology into the bathroom. Don’t worry, no one’s spying on you. Facial-recognition technology is nothing new as we’ve seen it in cameras, vending machines in Japan, iPhoto, and of course in Bill Gates’ Seattle home where every room you walk into changes the photographs on the wall, temperature, and even music, to your presets. But SmartFaucet takes the technology one step further in the bathroom by allowing facial-recognition technology to pour out the perfect water temperature for you along with a colored light to designate the temperature before washing your hands.The coolest part of the SmartFaucet has to be the touch screen control from which you not only control the faucet temperature and water flow, but can check your email, calendar, and the weather. All that’s left is for it to wipe your…

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